Thursday, May 5, 2016

Ode Poems

Today we read and discussed, "Ode to the Lizard" by Pablo Neruda (click on the picture above to read it again). We worked on writing our own ode poems. For your blog homework tonight you will write another ode poem.

Remember, an ode is a poem meant to praise and describe something in detail.

Choose an ordinary object to write an ode about (such as a pencil, trash can, fire hydrant, apple, etc.) Be sure to use figurative language in your poem. Figurative language includes simile, metaphor, vivid imagery, etc.)


  1. Ode to String
    By: Indigo Ubide Holmes

    String can be used to tie the knots of love.
    To tie your shoes to get ready for school.
    String can be very cool.
    String is the younger brother of the big strong rope.
    But string is still extraordinary. My sweat shirt is made of string, and it is on of my favorite sweat shirts I have.

    Without string the world could be so much worse.
    Without string you probably couldn't have a purse.
    Without string there would not be fishing ropes.
    Without string we would probably be dead.

    Lot's of things in my home are made of string and they are pretty useful. String can bring us together, or it could bring us apart.

    String is string.

    1. omg i love your poem so much and how it rhymes and it is really funny.

    2. Shut up bruh ts is trash

    3. I will touch your tookus crazy style!!! indigo ubide Holmes son of daniela Ubide and Tim Holmes

  2. Ode to cow by Chloe Shepherd.

    They give us milk they feed on grass, they really deserve a golden crown. They work all day and sleep all night, beneath their fur of black and white. I don't know how a cow does all the work we expect only to be eaten in the end. And why do the cows not know and why don't we tell the cows their future of being eaten?

  3. Ode to Zipper
    By Ella

    You zip it up half way then it gets stuck.
    You try again and find out that it was a string in the way.
    Then you zip up your coat all the way,so satisfying!
    Then you are ready to go out side.
    Now you have to take your coat off, why world!?
    Now you have to put your coat back on and you zip it up with no problem, thanks world!

  4. On a bed
    A teddy bear
    With two bunny ears
    beneath a blanket
    laying on a pillow

    made out of stuffing
    soft as a pillow
    soften than a sweater
    eyes real like a real bunny

    lovable, big & sweet
    care for it like a person
    sleep with it for comfort
    protects you like a father

    keeps you away from nightmares
    play with like a friend
    has a beautiful
    is a little animal

    1. Simon #swagwolfz$May 5, 2016 at 6:17 PM

      I like your poem, it really had a lot of good similes and metaphors. I like the simile "protects you like a father."I think it is a really pretty simile.

  5. Simon #swagwolfz$May 5, 2016 at 6:12 PM

    Ode to mirror
    Copy's what it sees like a wannabe.
    A glass has a brain with what he wishes to use.
    A person behind a cage becoming person to person.
    Glass like from another planet.
    From pencil to paper to person to pen,copying whatever is there then.
    Works with no breaks and never get's tired.
    This person he could be anywhere, a spoon, a pot, or even a pan.
    From glass to glass you can find him, he likes his job.
    What are you?
    Are you an alien from outer space?
    Or are you a real person with a job?
    I know one thing about you for certain mirror, you are everything.

    By: Simon K. Block

    1. that is really good simon i love how you said "what r u?"

  6. Bebe Bunny ☺☺☺☺May 5, 2016 at 6:30 PM

    Ode To Mittens
    By Bebe

    Mittens are like a warm bath for your hands
    Keeping you as cozy as an owl in a tree
    Room for your fingers
    Every finger gets its share
    Like Mama bird giving food to her children
    Funky designs
    Pretty patterns
    I love mittens
    Like I love my dog ( Rupert Bernie Boots Dobby Monkey Rosenfeld Cassidy)

  7. Ode to Heart.

    A beating rage,
    in a cage.
    cannot put it
    on a page.
    the feeling’s deep,
    so what’s inside?
    Whatever it is,
    it sure knows how to hide.

    Sometimes you wonder,
    how do I feel.
    is it real?
    is it true?
    are you blue?
    or are you just
    a heart.
    one who knows it’s part.

    Your heart and soul,
    the final test.
    the one in which
    you’ll score the best.
    I love my heart,
    you should too.
    because it

    1. Nadia#icecreamgirlMay 5, 2016 at 7:45 PM

      Leila I love how you used the figurative language to describe the heary

    2. Lil and CharChar + QuillMay 5, 2016 at 8:24 PM

      Leila! your Poem is too great for words. you should be a poet when your older!

  8. Ode to Rainbow
    Oh rainbow your so color full,a pinch of oil and water makes other rainbows oh rainbow you make me smile but when you are gone I get sad but maby one day we can see each other again

  9. My poem is going to be about pencil because i think that a pencil can be something and do different things. This is my poem, On a paper a pencil is going round and round like you swimming in a pool,
    The pencil leaves markings and and more marks so you could so you could lead your way of drawing or writing,
    Your pencil swim, leave markings and more markings and your pencil will be like a dragon blowing fire on you!!!

  10. Nadia#icecreamgirlMay 5, 2016 at 7:53 PM

    Ode to birthday cake By: Nadia Jordon

    There it is sitting on the table, the best rainbow cake in the world. Just looking at it makes you feel like you are flying in the sky over the best rainbow in the world. And in the very, very middle there are 4 single candles. And at the Very, Very end there is a dollop of rainbow frosting. Yum.

  11. Paper,by:Nonna kai cuscuna smith.

    I look around and what do i see? i see some paper all
    around me. Red paper , green paper, pink paper,yellow. What color could there not be?

    I come to school and what do i see? i see paper,paper, and more paper.

    The whole world is paper,every were i look i see:paper. i do not think anyone could survive with out paper. with no paper the world has ended.

    1. i love how you mentioned different colored paper and how you said what you saw and how you went to school and how you organized your poem when you posted it.

  12. Lil and CharChar + QuillMay 5, 2016 at 8:20 PM

    Ode To The Eraser
    by Lillian

    When you make a mistake, an eraser is always there. if it isn't, then shame on the eraser.
    Erasers are like superheroes if you make a really bad mistake.
    Erasing something off a piece of paper is like forgetting something or pushing it out of your mind.
    In a lot of times though, an eraser is not needed.
    it is not needed because you have your imagination to turn the mistake into something even better than what you were trying to do.

    1. i never thought of the eraser like that before!

  13. Ode To Apples
    by: Molly Katchuba

    You are hungry you look around for a snack and there on the kitchen table you see the perfect snack the round shiny ball called an apple

    it shines like the sunlight and the taste is sweet an when you bite into it the juice pours into your mouth

    where did you get your sweetness from? did you get it from a lollipop or a chocolate bar?

    shiny red ball on the kitchen counter your stillness sitting there is enchanting!

    1. i love how you turend this apple into something misstereieos

  14. Ode to Map
    by Bea

    Your edge faded and yellow
    like somebody spilled coffee
    A magnificent old thing
    with edges curled like an elf's shoe

    The jagged line of mountains,
    seas and rivers
    Your compass rose shining
    and still pretty

    The 'X' marks the spot
    faded like memories
    So many places to go
    So many paths to take

    An unknown treasure
    A beautiful garden
    So many foods to eat
    So much to discover

  15. Halina holla! JamesMay 5, 2016 at 10:11 PM

    Ode to Soul

    Inside my body warm as a fox, leaping from place to place.
    Telling me right from wrong, writing a song in my head so I shall sing it wide.

    Makes me me and no one else.
    It keeps my memories and emotions in a box and letting them out a lot.
    Letting me stay happy, sad and smart, it says it makes me.

    It is the creator of my dreams and mind.

    I only have one soul and that's mine.

  16. Ode To Pillow
    By Jalen

    Soft and comfy when you need it,Stuffed with cotton balls of fluff it holds your head to break the fall but when its not that means enough, protects you from the hard wood floor, So when you don't feel a thing thank the pillow for stopping the pain

    1. cocobean/chloe kMay 6, 2016 at 7:30 AM

      I like that you showed how the pillow helps you !

  17. Ode to my Fat Lazy Cat
    by Chloe Kaas

    Why at night do you roam the empty halls, whining and pleading for your mommy?
    Why not go out and play instead of laying around and sleeping the day away. But in darkness, while the rest of the house sleeps, he jumps right up from shelf to shelf. You got it backwards, son! Why eyes that glow in the dark? Are you from the sun, or the tundra? It’s only meal after meal, no work to be done, not even and inch! But…to a rat, mouse, fly, or bat, you are their giant, you are their God.

  18. Shifting Poems (ORLI)May 6, 2016 at 3:41 PM

    They are yellow
    1/8 of them are pink
    they do float
    they do not sink
    they can be bad
    they are good too
    and most definitely
    do not say "MOO"
    they can be like hamsters, they can easily break
    they can be like bubbles,floating on a lake
    My pencil is doorway to my inner creative self
    sticks and stones can break your bones
    and pencils can too
    no one would ever want to hurt you.

    1. we Do Rudd and joay.
      We Do morning newoz

  19. I have learned in poetry so far that there are different types of poetry. There is color poems, sense it taste poems, imagery poems and many more. Also if you are done with your draft poem thence you should get a dictionary and see if all your spelling is correct. The poetic devices I have used in my poems are humor like , rhythm, alliteration,metaphor like I am so hungry I could eat a horse and simile like I am as fast as a cheetah.Theses are all the stuff I have learned through the weeks about poems and there devices.
