Thursday, March 1, 2018

Math Big Ideas & Strategies

Think about what we have learned in math this year so far.

What are some big ideas you have learned?
What strategies have you developed in your toolbox?
How do these strategies help you?

Explain your answer with specific examples.


  1. One big idea that I’ve learned is composite and prime numbers. Prime numbers are numbers that you can only multiply by 1 amd it’s self to equal it’s self. Composite numbers are numbers that you can multiple with more than 1 and it’s self to equal it’s self. Another big idea that I’ve learned is algorithm. Algorithms are a type of equation to help you figure out the math problem. One strategy that I’ve developed is long division. Long division is a type of algorithm that is meant for solving division equations. These strategies help me because they are efficient and are kind of quick. They also help me with math because aren’t things that are meant for to much thinking.

  2. A big idea I have learned in math are that any number times ten is that number but one place value more,
    therefore adding a 0 at the end in writing form to symbolize the original number moving up one place value and leaving its previous place value empty.
    Another big idea I have learned in math is that 0 times any number is 0. This is because 0 times any number is 0 times of that number and 0 times, let’s say, five is five zeroes, which since 0 is nothing will still end up being nothing.
    A few strategies that have developed in my tool box are the
    algorithm ( of all operations) , tape diagrams, and area models.
    These strategies help me because they break down the problem into pieces so I can slowly go through it and so I perfect each part and then mold it into an answer , they also help me because they show me what I am supposed to do.
    This was written by JOSH!

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  4. A big idea that I had learned in math is cross multiplication. It's like algorithm, but for multiplication,and you use it the same way. A few strategies that I have developed is long division and prime and composite numbers. How these strategies helped me is that if theirs a challenge and I have to do a lot of thinking,I can use one of these big ideas.

  5. ONE BIG IDEA I HAVE LEARNED is long division long division is an old strategy that is efficient and easy to learn. I learned that I can divide any number into any number.What I learned about fractions is that 1 one fraction can be equal to many other fractions because if you mutiple the numerator and denomanator by any number can make it equal.

  6. Some big ideas that I have learned are division, how to multiply double digit and three digit numbers, and more about fractions. I have used strategies like making up songs to help me remember snap facts, I study a lot and practice with flash cards. I think about fractions like they are a pie piece to help me see it better. The pie strategy helps me know what fractions are and how to use them and add them. The songs help me remember so that when I have a math sheet with things I didn't used to understand, the song helps me remember how to do it. The flashcards helped me so that when I had my snap facts tests, I knew them all.

  7. One big idea is that I've learned is prime and composite numbers.
    prime is the number that you can only multiply by it's 1 or it self to equal it's number.
    Composite is the number that you can multiply more then 1 number and it's self to equal it's self.
    how this big idea helped me is because it helped me on my division.

  8. Q;What are some big ideas you have learned?

    One big idea I've learned is that any number timed by zero will always end up to give you zero. Another big idea i haven't known before is that there could be a remainder in fractions. I thought you could only divide the number into equal groups for example; nine divided by three would equal three with a no remainder!

    Q;What strategies have you developed in your toolbox?

    A few strategies that I've developed is, Long division, Cross multiplication and area model.

    Q; How do these strategies help you?

    These few things make math easier and area model cold help u with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division!
    They also help you understand math using a simple yet kind of complicated way.

  9. ALEXANDER(A FAN OF THE NYC SUBWAY)March 1, 2018 at 6:50 PM

    The big idea that I learned about in mathematics is multi-multiplication and division. I learned it so whenever in high school does multiplication and division, I would know how to do it by using my mathematics skills. Also, my strategies that I developed in my toolbox is that I can use the Distribute property when breaking down numbers. These strategies help me by teaching me how to do multiplication and division using all the properties. That is what I learned in mathematics this year so far. I've also have been doing multiplication for 3 years and I learned division for 2 years.

  10. just plain old valMarch 1, 2018 at 7:13 PM

    One strategy I like to use is long division. I like using long division because its kind of like using an addition ones and tens a little to me but its a little more complicated. Once I learned about long division I solved almost every division problem I ever took with long division. I will still use long division today.

  11. Some math big ideas I have learned this year is place value. I learned that every time you add a digit to a number, you are also adding a pace value. I have also learned how to use a place value chart to solve equations.

    I have also learned how to use algorithms such as, a addition or subtraction algorithm, cross multiplication, partial product, and long division.

    I have also learned that to get a equivalent fraction, you don't only have to multiply by two , but that you could multiply by any number.

  12. A big idea that I learned in math is multiplication & division. Some strategies I learned are 1Algorithm,2 Area Model,3 Prime&Composite,4 Tape Diagram 5,Time Line,6 Opposite operation.

  13. One big math idea I have learned is prime and composite numbers. A prime number is a number that is only divised by 1 and itself. A composite number is a number that can be divided by more than just one.

    One strategy I have learned is long division. This has helped me by in division sometimes I wouldn't get the answer, but with long division, it might take longer, but I feel like I have a better chance of getting the answer.

    Another strategy is area model. With the area model, it made multiplication a lot easier. For example, comparing it to the standard algorithm probably takes longer for me than area model, but area model and standard algorithm are equal in their answers. So area model is faster.

    Another strategy is tape diagram. With the tape diagram, lately you've been asking us to do which number is bigger and which model is smaller, and tape diagram has really been helping me out with that. I feel like when you do it with the the number line, it takes longer because you have to count out all the numbers, put all the lines in, then find where the numbers are and then get the answer. With the tape diagram, I just cut it in half and then I can just make lots of smaller tape diagrams and then I can just color it in and see which one has more shaded in in the boxes.

    Those are the ones I use the most.

  14. One big idea is long division is what people use for hard division problems like 60078 / 67849 so long division is used for hard division problems like that. Use it
    for hard division problems like 666 / 666. I also learned prime and composite numbers. A prime can be only multiplied by 1 and itself like 7 and a composite can be multiplied by two things like 10,9,8. I learned how to multiply fractions like I know that ½ multiplied 2 is 1. A few strategys i like using is algorithm and long division. They have helped me when i had to do a really hard division or multiplication problem.

  15. Heather. Aka twenty one piloets biggest fanMarch 1, 2018 at 7:45 PM

    A big idea I learn is that an expression has no = sign so its plan 2+2 that’s an expression. Also in distributive property u can only decompose one number for example

    20 x 40. Break 40 in half. 40 divide by 2 is 20 and so u do 20 x 20 = 400 and 20 x 20 again = 400 Then add 400 and 400 and u get 800 and that’s your answer

  16. One big idea I learned about in math this year is how to work with fractions. Two strategies are using a number line or area model. These help by letting me see which fraction is bigger if I'm comparing fractions or which fraction is equivalent to another fraction.

    One example would be comparing 2/4ths and 2/3rds to see which one is a bigger fraction. I would line the area models up so they are equal and draw the lines and shade in the parts of the fraction that needs to be shaded. Then I would know that 2/3rds is bigger.

  17. A big idea in math that I’ve learned is the different types of algorithms because they give you different strategies for all the different operations. A strategy that I’ve learned is distributive property. This is important because if you are having trouble with an unfriendly number you can split it into friendly numbers and multiply it (or another operation) with the other number to make it easier.

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  19. I have learned about algorithm and checking by subtracting. I also learned about a hundreds,tens and ones charts. I have also learned about multiplication and division and how to apply that to my everyday life. For example if it was my birthday and I had my birthday cake according to how big my birthday cake was and how many people it was I would know how to divide my cake up into equal parts.

  20. Some of the big ideas I have learned in class this year are prime numbers and how to multiply. A Prime numbers can be only be divided by 1 or itself for example 7 can only be divided by 1 or 7. I have learned that multiplying is adding a number to a specified number of times example 3x3 means 3+3+3. Because of this strategy it has helped me to do multiplication a lot easier.

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  22. One of the big idea I've learned this year is multiplication is algorithm for example. 20×3=60
    My other big idea I've learned this year is subtraction is equation fir example 2-3=
    These are the strategies that helped me to solve both myltiplication and subtraction problems.

  23. These are some of the things that stand out and were big ideas in math. Prime and composite numbers: prime numbers are numbers that don't have any multiples besides one. Composite numbers have more than one multiple. Another big idea is algorithms including long division, cross multiplication, addition algorithms and many more. There usually used for big numbers like 2, 220 divided by 4 OR 99x45 and are set up in a certain fashion. Another big idea is number bonds. Number bonds are a way to show your work. They show you how you decompose the number or how you times to get a certain number your final answer. That's a number bond. An area model is a big idea too! It is a way to show and work out a problem. You put the number that you times it, divide it and/or subtract it. Then you split it up the other number and times the side number with the value of the second one and you get your own answer. Length times width is area. Perimeter is the measure of all of the sides added together. That's some math ideas that really stand out to me for this year.

  24. some big ideas is prime and composite numbers prime is a number that you cant be multiplied by another number composite you can.

    tape diagram algorithm long division area model.

    they help me by understanding the work more.

  25. A big idea I have learned is cross multiplication. Cross multiplication is the algorithm for multiplication. This strategy helped me because it is a fast way of doing multiplication. To do it, you line up the numbers vertically and then multiply the top by the bottom.
    Another big idea I have learned is the multiplication area model. It is away to double check your work and help you do multiplication. You do it by breaking up the numbers into smaller numbers. Then you draw a rectangle and inside the rectangle you multiply the numbers together.
