Thursday, June 13, 2019

A Letter to Incoming Fourth Graders

What advice would you give new fourth graders next year?
Write a letter to explain your advice in detail.

If you have technical difficulties, write your letter on paper.


  1. my edvice is that always be respectful to each other so if someone says stop you should stop. Another thing is always ask queations because is you dont you will never get passed it. always listen to when the teacher iis talking . that is the best way to learn. memorizing things like the times tables always make things easyer.

    1. You're advice about studying multiplication tables and how it can be helpful is very true.

    2. thanks i coulnt find anthing to say

  2. Dear new fourth grader,
    Pay attention to your surroundings, because you could bump someone or knock something over. I know that fourth grade can be exiting but you need to be careful because you could knock over a kid that's younger. Also listen to the person talking because it's kind, and if you don't, you might not understand what's happening.

    1. You really should pay attention to you're surroundings. Good advice Savannah.

    2. Sorry, that was Jesse, I just forgot to change the name from my brothers.

  3. My message to the next 4th grade is do not sit next to your friends. And don't play around when teacher teaching . And don't hang out with the ring peop,e then you be just like them. And be careful to people and nice if you see people hit a kid go to office and tell them that kid hit you and if the people are talking bad tell them to stop and if they don't walk away and tell a teacher. And aks for help if you don't know some thing .

    1. you definitely should not goof around when the teacher is teaching, that is good advice if you want to get a good education.

  4. Dear new fourth graders,
    I am going to give you two good pices of advice, my first peice of advice is to never be afraid to start over again , this is important because you should’t be afraid to mess up on something , for example a test. My secand peice of advice is, try to avoid distractions. This is important because, say for example you were distracted by someone, then the person next to you looks at your paper but you don’t notice because you are distracted. Keep this advice for the whole year, good luck!

    1. Awesome advice, also you're answer to the blog question actually kind of reminds me of me!

  5. To all the the new fourth graders, I am giving you advice for when you are in fourth grade. First advice is when you have a math problem your stuck on you should move on and get back to it. Second advice is that you should listen and soak up all you can get so you will know what to do in a situation when you need it. Third advice is that you should be yourself and respectful to others so you get treated nicely.

    1. Moving on and then coming back to a problem you are stuck on is really helpful when you are under pressure, good idea Hunter.

  6. Dear new fourth graders,
    My first advice for you coming into fourth grade is to never give up. When your doing any type of subject just keep on trying and eventually you will get it. My second piece of advice for you guys is to be nice to your community. If you see something going on that shouldn't be happening tell them to stop and if they don't stop tell your teacher. My third piece of advice is to just be a nice and respectful student to other student in class and the teacher. If the teacher is talking don't have another conversation and don't call out especially if the teacher told you to stop talking. And if your a partner with someone be respectful to them. My last but not least piece of advice is to be helpful. If you see a teacher or student in need of help help them don't just stand and watch them struggle.

    I hope all you fourth graders follow these tip to get through your year of fourth grade have a fun and awesome time.

    1. That is some awesome advice and also a lot of advice.

  7. dear 4th graders
    4th can be hard but you can do it
    here is some tips
    1 if you don't know some thing ask
    2 don't talk if the teacher is talking
    3 do your home work !!!!!!!!
    4 have fun

    1. You're advice is short, but extremely helpful.

  8. Dear new 4th Graders,
    When you get to 4th grade you really need to pay more attention to what Ms.S says when you are on the rug. Because sure, in second grade you probably spent time on the rug not paying attention and then you didn't know what to do-but your school work turned out fine. Well in 4th grade its different, not paying attention could cause you to not understand a whole unit in math. If you don't believe me just wait and you will see. Have a great year!

    1. I hope everyone listens to that awesome piece of advice.

  9. I have a lot of advice to the future fourth grader. If someone is talking about their body parts you should say “stop” in a serious voice. Also, if some one is saying bad things about the teacher you should say “please stop it’s rood to talk bad about the teacher”. If a kid in another class is always trying to steal your classmate’s food or snacks you should stand up for them and say, “stop steeling his food and leave him alone.” Also, if you see kids being sexist during lunch or recess you should say “stop being sexist”.

    1. That is some serious advice. I hope people listen to it.

  10. Dear future fourth graders,
    Always listen because if you don’t you won’t understand anything. Always try to persevere and try your best even if things get hard. If you don’t persevere and try your best you are not going to learn anything. Ask for help if you need it! If something doesn’t make sense ask for help. It's okay if you don’t know.

    1. Good advice, you know your stuff.

  11. Dear new 4th graders, Here is some advice for you to use when you are in 4th grade.
    1.) Fourth grade can be tough sometimes but remember- don't get anxious about it. The teacher will help you.
    2.) Don't be afraid to speak your heart and mind. If you don't speak up for yourself you might get bullied.
    3.) Practice multiplication tables and math during the summer and before school starts. If you practice you can prepare yourself.
    4.) Listen to the teacher. The teacher has lots to say and teach, if you play around and talk while the teacher is talking the teacher won't be able to share his or her knowledge. If that happens you won't have a very good education and none of us want that. If you do listen to the teacher then you should be okay as long as you don't space out and don't pay attention and go to "la-la land".
    Now I hope you listen to my advice for you new fourth graders and I also hope you have an awesome year this coming school year.

  12. Dear 4th Graders, my advice is to pay attention to the teacher or else you won't understand. Also be respectful and care about people. If you do a quiz and you don;t know try your best never give up. And never be afraid to start over. Also don't sit to your friends on the rug they might talk to you. You should say stop.

  13. This is some of the advice I’d give to the next fourth grade class. 1.Study your multiplication and division tables and other forms of math because you will get a multiplication test on most Fridays. Also, you should study during the summer because you will want to be ahead of your class next year. 2. If you are a level such as J at the beginning of the school year follow along the words during read-alouds and you can get to level Q! 3. Be kind to every teacher in school because they’re trying their hardest to teach you. They have to deal with a lot of naughty children everyday so be please be nice. Also, your grades will get worse if you are a mean and disrespectful student. I’ve seen kids go from level 3 to level 2 or from level 4 to level 2. This is my advice to future fourth graders.

  14. My advice to the new 4th graders is to have empathy to others and be an Inclusive person. My second piece of advice is to respect ourselves and others also our teachers. My third piece of advice is not to judge someone by their culture or how they dress. And also you will have a wonderful school year with ms.s and Cody.
