Thursday, May 8, 2014

Polygons in My World

You can see examples of polygons everywhere!

Give at least 3 examples of polygons you can see in objects at home, school, outside, etc. Name both the object and the polygon. For example, a sheet of notebook paper is a rectangle, a type of quadrilateral.

Be creative! Quadrilaterals are easy to find - look for other types of polygons.


  1. Table = Rectangle
    Square = Window
    Triangle = Oragami paper

  2. 1. The STOP button on the bus
    2. The Stop/walk sign on the street
    3. Table

    1. julian telling luke somethingMay 8, 2014 at 4:09 PM

      luke you have to right what the shape of those are

  3. tile = square quadrilateral
    alice's shape pictures octagon = octagon
    drawing of a tardis by alina = rectangle

  4. One thig in my house that I see is my lunchbox,my lunchbox is a square,a square is a quadrilateral. Another thing in my house that is a polygon is my bord game,my bord game is a rectangle, a rectatangle has 4 angles and sides. I also have a scarf that is a rectangle which is a flat figure.

  5. An example of a polygon at my home is my dinner table. It is a quadrilateral because it is a rectangle. Another example of a polygon at my home is the diamond shape window. This is also a quadrilateral because it is a diamond. The next and last example of a polygon at my home are the tiles shaped like hexagons. This is a hexagon because it has 6 sides and 6 angles.

  6. One polygon that I see in my house is a picture frame it had four sides and four angles. Another polygon that i see in my house is a hexagon where jesus is on the cross. One that i see outside is a stop sign. Another thing that I see is my picture frame hanging on my wall its the shape of a rectangle which has four sides. Another polygon that I see is Ms. S door is a square and a square has four sides and four angles & the attendance sheet is a rectangle which also has four sides.

  7. The three polygons I see are my mom's computer witch has 4 sides and 4 angles and is a quadrilateral. Another polygon is my neighbor's house witch actually is a pentagon with 5 sides and 5 angles. Another polygon I see is a ruler witch is a quadrilateral with
    4 sides and 4 angles.

  8. Kofi Gardner BonastiaMay 8, 2014 at 6:56 PM

    One polygon I see is my house it is a square so it is a quadralataral.Another polygon is my pencil case it's a rectangle so it's also a quadralataral.My last polygon is the tortilla chips I am eating they are triangles

  9. I see a stop sign which is a octagon,a table which is a rectangle which is a quadrilateral and a window which is a square and also a quadrilateral like a rectangle.

  10. Coffee table is a square. Window is a rectangle. Notebook is a square.

  11. I see a pillow cushion which is a square, the tail of a model airplane that has six sides, and a small statue that is in the shape of a triangle and has three sides.

  12. Wan i came home i saw my door it looks the sides of a rectangle and at that time i was hungry i went to the fridge and i saw tow skinny rectangle and a square at the bottom than i went to get tissues for my mom and and i say that it was square.

  13. The blog sheet is a rectangle and it is a polygon. Also it is a quadrilateral. It has 4 sides and 4 angles. A stop sign is a octagon and it is a polygon. It has 8 sides and 8 angles. My mom's coaster is a square and it is a polygon. It is a quadrilateral. It has 4 sides and 4 angles.

  14. one polygon I see is a cereal box.Another object I see that is a polygon is my bed and my picture frame.One polygon I see in school is a book,a black board and the phone box.Some objects that are outside is a field,a back bard for a basketball court and the gate for the garden.

  15. I see polygons in different place in my houses. Like my picture frames on my wall are square. Also my bed is a rectangle. Last I have a triangle book in my book basket.

  16. The top of the desk that this computer is sitting on is a rectangle which is a quadrilateral. There's a lot of things in my house that are squares, coasters that we put our glasses on and picture frames. These are all quadrilaterals.

  17. I have a sewing machine which has 10 sides and points. That is a decagon. My camera is a quadrilateral. My hairbrush is an octogon.

  18. One polygon I found in my house is my door. My door is a rectangle. It is a type of quadrilateral. My lamp is a triangle. It has tri in it meaning three. My picture frame is a square. That is a type of quadrilateral.

  19. My first example is a triangle pattern on the carpet. It is a triangle.

    My second example is a stop sign. That is an octagon.

    My last example is our sprinkler inside our apartment. It is a hexagon.

  20. At home I can see small houses (pentagons), cardboard (hexagons) picture frames (octagons) and game controllers (heptagons).

  21. A TV is a square or a rectangle and it is a quadrilateral. A computer is a quadrilateral. A door is a quadrilateral. A dresser drawer is a quadrilateral. A window is a square or a rectangle and it is a quadrilateral.

  22. A chair is a type of polygon. It has 4 sides and 4 angles. Also a door and a table have 4 sides and 4 angles.

  23. My desk is a rectangle and my xbox is a rectangle and my tv is a rectangle. Those are quadrilaterals.

  24. A computer is a rectangle and a rectangle is a quadrilateral.Some pictures are squares and some are rectangles so there really quadrilateral.A door is a rectangle and a rectangle is a quadrilateral.A quadrilateral is also a polygon

  25. At home I see a polygon and it is my bed because it is a quadrilateral and another polygon I see is my dinner table it is also a mom's makeup mirror is a triangle.
