Thursday, October 18, 2018

Native Americans in New York: Feature Article

We are writing feature articles about the Native Americans in New York. Feature articles contain facts, opinion, story and voice about a nonfiction topic.

What topic are you writing about for our Native Americans in NY feature article?
For example: comparing Iroquois hairstyles to hairstyles today.

What are some facts you learned about your topic? Why is your topic interesting?

Do you have an angle for your feature article yet?
Hint: Your angle or perspective is your opinion or point of view about a topic.


  1. I am writing about long house vilag. About how they work and build there home. and ther fame. One area they get wood former the wood for there house. One more is that house are 2,000 feethe long. Work to build home is amazing how days do it.

    1. It's so cool that a long house can be 2,000 feet long!

  2. My topic is old Native American religions. Did you know that before they become men boys go out into the forest alone and speak with the porcupine god? Old religions are interesting for me because I like ancient things.

  3. That really cool addi

  4. I am writing about the Long house. I am writing about the Long house because it’s very interesting to me and I wonder how the Iroquois built it. The people of the Long house called themselves Haudenosaunee. Many families could fit in the Long house. I picked this topic because the Long house is so big. It’s like a log but so much bigger!

    1. who knew they called themselves Haudenosaunee!

  5. My topic is school and education. Here are 3 interesting facts about the Iroquois education: 1.Your education depended on your gender 2. When a boy or girl reaches their teen years they go into the forest and find a small hut with no one inside. They stay in there for one week and do not eat anything. They say that on one of those days, you have a vision or dream where you are visited by a spirit animal to teach you about your future 3. Like in Social Studies, you learn Iroquois history.
    I picked Iroquois education is because I am very interested in education and one day I would like to work as a teacher and I would like to know more about other people's education.

  6. I am writing about how native Americans made food and got food. This interests me because now we go to stores and get every thing but a long time ago when native Americans were here there were no stores so how did the native Americans find and get food? fun fact Iroquos called corn squash and beans the tree sisters but actually it was called Deohako!

  7. Im writing about longhouses and villages some and facts i learned. Why i choose this topic is because it seem cool to learn about a huge house with hands only and the material. Twelve families can fit in one longhouse. A longhouse is 20 meters long and 6 meters wide. The material they use are flat rocks and cutted bark. A village can fit 12 to 200 longhouses. The bark was made of young trees. Who built the longhouses were the men and boys.

  8. I am doing clothes/hair they made clothes out of bobcats,squirrels,beavers,raccoon and wolves. Both men and women wore moccasins. Girls clothing has a leather skirts. Boys sometimes wore a headdress called a gustowen which had a different design for each nation. The number and position of the feathers indicated the nation

  9. I am writing about Native Americans. My topic is learning about clothing. This is interesting because Native Americans wore animal's fur in the winter. Native Americans wore fur because they had no clothing for winter, so they used animal fur to keep warm. My angle is that Native Americans clothing seems interesting and what they war in the seasons.

  10. My topic is the native American food. Native American men and women had a very interested way of preparing meals for their families. The men hunt for fish and deer and the women prepared the meals. the fish was cleaned and then hung for drying and the deer was cleaned and cut. Native American love squash, berries, melon, wild turkey, and made lots and lots of soup.

  11. I choose to study how to prepare animal skins before they can be cut and stitched into clothing and how some people still do that today. Did you know to tan a skin you would have to boil the skin in a solution made of deer brain cake? Yuck right? I choose to study this topic because a lot of people are choosing to study Iroquois clothing. I thought it would be interesting to study how the skins become ready to be clothes. My angle is to connect how people still do that today.

  12. my topic is dance and traditional ceremonies the Native Americans danced for ceremonies one of them was they wore a very funny and weird mask and danced to scare away bad spirits. Another one is that they danced for who ever became there new king or for when someone passed away. My angle is that Native Americans dances seemed to be very interesting and what did they do when a king or queen passed away.

  13. I am studying Iroquois clothing for my topic. A fact I found out is that the Iroquois men wore some quilt things, legings made from deer skin (I think they were made from deer skin) and breech cloth hats with feathers. They had different numbers of feathers on their hats based off of something I don’t know yet. The reason I chose the topic for my article is because I like dressing up, I like the factor of clothes and I thought like when we finish this study like in third or second grade I might get to wear an Iroquois or just a Native American outfit.

  14. Long houses lasted 20 years befor they would rot and over 20 family’s would live in one long house. When it rained they had to close holes for the smoke to come out otherwise rain or snow would get in. But they would have to get warm so they would build fires but the smoke would fill the rooms and people would get eyinfections and lung problems. They would get vines and twigs to bild the structure of the long house and cover it with mud big long pieces of bark to make it warm and in the inside there would build bunk beds and they would have shelves above the bunk beds and to make it warm they would get deer skin sheets and deer skin blankets. On the ground they would have a big log for a bench. And then they had fires.

  15. My topic is clothing because how they design and prepare the clothing is really interesting. One fact is that when they soften the clothes, they use deer brains and compared to how they soften the clothing now is way different, they use fabric softener instead of deer brains. Today we use a needle and thread to make clothing, but back then they had to make the needles by hand instead of machines so it was way harder.

  16. My topic is arts and crafts because I enjoy doing arts and crafts as well. The Seneca tribe made false face masks and porcupine quilt work. I would like to learn more about their art and what they used it for.

  17. For my topic I want to discuss is how Native Americans got their food. Native Americans got their food by different methods including farming, hunting, and fishing. This is not so different from how we get our food today.

  18. For my feature article my topic will be Buffalos and seeing there attributes and
    seeing there sanctuary’s. The water Buffalo can be up to 6.2 in hight and 5 feet in length. Also People now are building sanctuary’s for buffalos. Also the Native Americans called the buffalo Tatanta and the buffalo are one of the largest land animals. This topic interests me because I love animals and also they are very interesting in many different ways there size how important they are to the Native Americans. My angle for my writing is to tell the reader about the buffalo sanctuary’s and the buffalo attributes.

  19. Did you know that a male buffalo can stand up to 6.5 feet tall? A buffalo can run up to 35 miles an hour. Buffalo fight for a female or to lead the herd of buffalo. Sometimes the buffalo gets really hurt because they smash their heads very hard together. They keep on doing this until one of them is left standing. Native Americans used buffalo for cloths, shelter, food and tools. Buffalo were very important to the Native Americans because they have so many uses to live.

  20. My feature article about the Native Americans is about medicine.The medicine was made out of plants. Native Americans believed you could get sick from witchcraft or evil spirits caused by bad people. Unlike the Native Americans, today New Yorkers think that you can only get sick if you don’t dress warm enough or from sick people around you. Native Americans would not pay the people who came to help them money. Rather, Native Americans would pay them with food. I think this is a very interesting topic because today New York has all these different medicines that are saving people's lives. Back then if you got very sick there was not a lot of medicine so you would probably die.

  21. In my feature article, I will compare the lives of the Iroquois today to that of the past. Did you know that native americans still live in the USA? This was their home for many years. During 1995 more than 74,882 Iroquois lived in America. I think that this is really cool and interesting. In 1920, Iroquois and the Lenape tribes were finally allowed to become residents of the USA. This changed their lives a lot. I want to look at how their lives changed. If their lives are now worse or if they are better.

    1. That's really interesting. I like how you added a lot of detail.

  22. My feature article is about Buffalo's. One fun fact about them is they can weigh up to 2,400 pounds. That's really heavy. A male buffalo has bigger horns than the female. Buffalo's are cool so that's why I chose them. Native American's even used buffalo skin to make tipis, clothes, moccasins, bedding, and other things. They are also the symbol of sacred life. I like how Buffalo's are important to the Native American Culture.
