Thursday, February 1, 2018

Bud, Not Buddy: "Rules and Things for a Funner Life"

In Bud, Not Buddy, Bud comes up with a list of "Rules and Things for a Funner Life..."

Come up with your own list of rules. Explain in detail why they are important to you.


  1. my first rule is to help other people that are having a struggle.Like when you see somebody homeless you should give them money or food.Another rule is to practice being grateful for your health and home.There is so many people out there who need help and need food or money and you should be grateful you have that.A rule is to be respectful to people you don't even like that makes them like you.Also another is that always there should be nobody in your life that is bad or somebody that makes you feel bad because you never need them there.another rule is to be nice to the people you love .

  2. Sienna’s Rules of Having a Lit Life
    1. Don’t underestimate people.
    2.Don’t say something mean so people will think you’re cool. That is not cool.
    3.Do your hobby if it doesn’t hurt anyone and it makes you happy.
    4.Dab on haters.
    5.You can go out of your comfort zone if it is for a good cause.
    6. Be yourself
    7.Don’t be afraid to tell someone they aren’t doing the right thing.
    8.Don’t fall under peer pressure.
    9. You can use electronics but don’t forget about your education.
    10. You should hang out with friends and have fun.
    I choose these rules because they show caring for myself and for others.


    2. I feel if you are telling somebody they are doing the wrong thing you should do it nicely.

  3. Valentino Fernandez maximusFebruary 1, 2018 at 5:22 PM

    This is one of my rules from the book bud not buddy. The rule is to guide people that were misguided. What I mean by that is to teach people that have been taught the wrong way the right way. To me that's important because you never know what a misguided person can do. They can put you and other people in danger or hurt themselves!And that's one of my rules.

  4. Riley's rules and things for having a AWESOME life!

    1)Be yourself.
    2)Don't let people judge you on what you wear, or do.
    3)Don't fall under peer pressure
    4)Help people who are in need
    5)Don't let fear stop you from doing things you love.
    6)Dab on them haters :)
    7)Two wrongs don't make a right
    8)Treat others the way you'd want to be treated.
    9)Be grateful for what you have because others might not have it and make them feel left out.
    10)Include everybody in your games.
    11)Put others before yourself.
    12)Be confident in you and others!

    That's my rules for having a AWESOME life and if you follow these rules good things should happen because nice things lead you to good things in life.

    1. What does dab on them haters mean? ( Like as a rule to have a better life.)

  5. Miyuu's rules to have a funner life!!!

    1)Be your self don't be someone else be your self
    2)Be brave and ask them to play with you or ask them if you can play
    3)think that you are definitely not alone
    4)You should be confident in your self and others
    5)Play with your sister or brother if you have
    6)Call your cousin or grandpa or grandma
    7)have a slumber party!!!
    8)Color with someone
    9)Play board game or card game with friend or family
    10)Do out door things with your friend
    11)Read your favorite book on your bed or any ware that you want

    These are 11 things to have a funner life .
    If you follow these rules it can really make you have a AWSOME and the FUNNEST life.

    1. Why should you think that you are not alone?





    5.BE BRAVE.





    10.HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Ezra Findlay's Rules to Having a Funner LIfe
    Rule 1. Be nice to everyone so that they will be nice to you.
    Rule 2. If you see something, don't watch, help.
    Rule 3. If you do something good for someone, then someone will do something good for you.
    Rule 4. Don't be someone else. Be yourself.
    Rule 5. Have parties.
    Rule 6. Play with your friends.
    Rule 7. Don't get under peer pressure or put someone else under peer pressure.
    Rule 8. Guide people and don't misguide people.
    Rule 9. Have space between sibilngs.
    Rule 10. Play lots of video games!

    These are Ezra Findlay's rules to having a funner life. If you use them then you will most definitely have a funner life. Thank you.

    1. I think rule two kind of relates to don't be a bystander, stand up to wrongness.

  8. Lucy's rules and things

    1. Think before you act or speak because things you say or do because what you say or do could affect someone in a way you didn’t mean it to.
    2. Be selfless-if someone is having a seizure and you run to help them but then you notice your shoe is untied, a selfless person wouldn’t mind and would rush ahead. But if you put your self before others you would tie your shoe first which is NOT what a selfless person would do.
    3. Be kind to yourself and others an example could be when Ms.S helped the lady in the store and when she did it helped herself and the other person!
    4. Stand up to bullying. Bully’s are just people who are having are hard time and try to cover it up. So you would be helping the bully and the person that got bullied.
    5. Respect everyone, When you respect people, they will respect you back.
    6. Be your self, don’t fall under peer pressure. When you do this you are an example for everyone that did fall under peer pressure, also you feel better when you are yourself.
    7. Only lie for a good cause, I f you are planning a surprise party you may have to lie a bit, but if you are lying to make your life sound better, than somebody else’s that is not a good cause.
    8. Encourage everyone to do the right thing, because people might lose their jobs. And if other people do the right thing that is respecting the person trying to lead you.
    9. Donate things and money to organizations that help people, animals, and even more bad situations because when you donate you can feel good about what you did and how you contributed to your community and the people or animals in need can be thankful and have a better life.
    10. Don’t judge people by how they look, judge them by who they are inside. Like in The Tortoise And The Hare the Hare judges the Tortoise by how slow it walks but he runs so fast that he has to take a nap but by the time he wakes up the Tortoise passes the finish line.

  9. My rules for a funner life are
    1. Make new friends every day.
    2. Love the whole world around you.
    3. Make new discoveries
    4. Go on adventures
    5. Express your feelings in different types of ways but mostly try talking them out.
    6. Try to decide what is wrong and what is right.
    7. Try to laugh 15 times a day.
    8. Have parties whenever you can.
    9. Have a hobby. My hobby is drawing fashion ideas.
    10. Surround yourself with fun people and fun things.
    These are my rules to have a funner life.

  10. AMIR rules
    1.have fun. 2.think positive.
    3.spent time with family.
    4.don't give up.
    Why I chose these rules is for people who has boring lives and that want to make their lives fun.

  11. Cason's rules for having a better life.
    1: If some on asks you for your full name, just say "no" politely.
    2: Don't judge a book by it's cover. once I did that, and it happened to be the best book that I ever read.
    3: Don't be someone else, be yourself.
    4: Be grateful of what you have.
    5: Don't think the worst of other people.
    6: Two wrongs don't make a right.
    7: Don't fall under peer pressure.
    8: Treat others the way you want to be treated.
    9: Have fun!
    10: Don't stop others from having fun.

  12. ALEXANDER(A FAN OF THE NYC SUBWAY)February 1, 2018 at 7:29 PM

    Alex's rules to have a 100% funnest life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1. Never litter in the MTA subway
    2. End racism
    3. Don’t left out others
    4. Help anyone, especially homeless people

    That's all of the list. I have no more ideas.

  13. 1:listen better
    2:don’t stand by stand up
    3:to not turn my head when I see bulling
    4:be nicer
    5: love one and Another
    6:eat better
    7:be better at reading
    8:get better at writing
    9:acoplis my dreams
    10:have FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. 1. Smile when you're on camera.
    2. Be nice to people.
    3. Make more friends.
    4. Don't bite the hand that feeds you.
    5. Don't be a bully because bullies pick on kids who are different. But there aren't that many bullies in the world. So bullies are different. But if they actually thought about it for once they'd have to bully themselves.
    6. Eat junk food because junk food is so good for you.
    7. Have fun.
    8. He who sleeps first rises first. (which is not a good saying for me because I never fall asleep early and I always try to sleep late).
    9. Practice makes perfect.
    10. Try to be careful of what you say in public because you may end up regretting what you say. Also because there are a bunch of weirdos out there and you don't want them in your life.

  15. 1.don't be a by stander people
    3.treat people how you want to be treated
    4.ask people how they are doing

  16. The way to be a good person is to treat people respectful and also when you judge people you have to judge them by there personality not the color of there skin,there age and there gender.when you be a good person one thing that's important is not to get mad and start punching and stuff like that also you have to care about every single person you know because being kind is helping the other people be kind to. these rules are very important to me because there my usual life.

  17. My rules and things for a funner life is as follows.

    1. Treat other the way you want to be treated.
    2. Always Respect others even when you do agree.
    3. Each day you should always find atleast one thing you are thankful for. Every ight before bed and me and my mom ask each other what was something we were thankful from our day.
    4. Try to smile at someone at least once a day. A simple smile could make someone feel good or make you feel good when you get a smile back.
    5. Always make the best of a bad situation.
    6. Practice no hate just love.
    7. Always be open to change even if its hard. This will make life a lot more fun because we always need change even if we feel as if we don't need it.

  18. one of Akeelah rules to have a funner life is to be a very kinc person because if you do something good for a person you feel happy.second rules to have a good life when you see something try to avoid if it a bad thing because it do'sent make your day good. Third of Akeelah rules two wrongs do'nt make a right because your in a fight and you do something bad after someone did something to you the become wrose.

  19. Liam's Rules

    1.Play, because it is important in life to have fun.

    2.Believe in yourself, because if you believe in yourself it helps you accomplish goals.

    3.Help other people, because it feels good when you do so.

    4.Be a good friend, so you will have good friends.

    5.Don't be to hard on yourself, because you don't want to get stressed out.

    6.Don't get into fights, because you don't want to get hurt or to hurt anyone.

    7.Do all your work in school, so you can be smart.

    8.Try to do your best, because when you try your best you feel good about yourself.

  20. I'm going to create a list of things that I/we can do to make our community a better place.
    1. When you see someone struggling, just don't turn the other way, help them. For example, if someone is at hockey and is having a hard time understanding the drill, go over to them and help out.
    2. Be grateful. For example, if you get a barbie doll girl for your birthday and you don't like barbie dolls, don't say, "I don't like barbie dolls" just say "thank you for the gift".
    3. Treat others the way you'd like to be treated. For instance, if you are mean to other kids, don't expect for them not to be mean back.
    4. Think before you speak. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all. For example, if you say something without thinking, you could hurt someone's feelings without meaning to.
    5. If you see garbage pick it up. For example, when you have a plastic bottle, don't just throw it in the garbage, hold onto it and fine a recycling bin to put it in.
    6. If you see someone in need of help, help them. For example, if you see an elderly people or a women with babies struggling with the door, hold the door open so they can come out.
    7. Be a good citizen on the bus and the subway. Don't play loud music without headphone and also give up your seat for pregnant ladies and elderly people and also for little kids that should be sitting.

  21. Hi everyone! Sorry that you had to see me get sick on Thursday , here is my blog entry, it’s a little bit late because I’m still recovering. Have a happy Friday!
    Josh's rules and things to have to have a clearer understanding of the pros and cons of the world but still have a fun life.
    Rules and things # 1
    When you see something bad that you cannot fix, understand something bad is happening but still hope for the best.
    Rules and things # 2
    Try to fix what you see and can help.
    Rules and things # 3
    When someone achieves something you did not, but you are still fortunate, be happy for them and still be grateful for what you have.
    These rules are important to me because I want to have a fun life but still understand the world has its pros and cons. If I overlooked the cons, I would feel no sympathy and seem rude. If I overlooked the pros, I would have no fun in life. Those are the reasons why these rules are important to me.

  22. 1. do your best
    2. don't walk away from wrong
    3. two wrongs don't make aright
    4. never give up
    5. don't fall under pear presure
    6. be brave
    7. never worry
    8. always help those in need
    9. treat people the way you would like to be treated
    10. always stay positive
    11. believe in yourself
    12. there are ups and downs in life, don't crumble up in the downs.
    13. Don't let fear overcome you
    14. Don't judge a book by its cover.

  23. These are rules that I have a rare chance of doing for a month and some I may do forever:
    1. If someone hits you (in school) don’t hit them back (two wrongs don’t make a right)
    2. Be yourself
    3. Try and get in as little fight with people
    4. Do some or all the things your parents want you to do
    5. Let anyone join you to play what your playing
    6. Be grateful for what you have
    7. Work before play
    8. Treat everyone the same
    9. Don’t litter
    10. Clean up after yourself

    I like to follow these rules because i like doing the right thing and doing the right thing is to follow these rules.
