Thursday, April 19, 2018

Who am I as an independent writer?

Answer the following questions about your independent writing:

Who am I as an independent writer?
How do I write independently? What is my writing process? How do I use my Writer’s Notebook for independent writing?
How do I manage my time to finish independent writing? Do I use a calendar?



  1. As an independent writer, I write adventure, fantasy, and a little nonfiction. The resources I use are books and sometimes the internet. I write independently by creating the plot and characters by myself. My writing process is writing the piece, revising it, coming up with a title( I do it when the story is firmly in place because it has to fit the story), edit the piece, and make cover. I use my writing note book to write a draft for independent writing. I write the story at the beginning of the month, tweak it near the middle of the month, and do the final at the end of the month. I do not use a calendar because I can keep track of time.

  2. I’m the type of writer who writes lots of fiction and I do because I like crazy things to happen to people and in my books it would maybe say “grandpa lifted up the car and threw it at the giant robot” and that’s that type of things I like to write about. The resuorses i use are poster notes on a wall and I make characters and senses in the story and if I don’t like it I take it out and re-write it

  3. As an independent writer I like to write comics, poems and stories. My writing process is I gather my information about the characters I'm going to write about and how they're going to act then I do a draft in my writers notebook then I look at it over with my parents. I manage my time by doing it little by little and when it's done I write it down altogether and I do not use a calendar.

  4. Me as a independent writer hmm well I like writing fiction and nonfiction also poems. I like writing fiction because I know how to write a lot of funny real writing and I write good real writing and some nice poems. My writing plan is pretty simple I go home and write different ideas to put in my work then I finish gathering and I start writing my real work. Before I completely finish I look at and check for problems. After I'm done with every single thing I read over for the second time and see if I put periods at the end of my sentence and check for spelling. I use my writing note book when I'm bored or when I have some time to my self. When I'm planing to finish my work I chose two or three weeks and say to my self that I'm going to finish my work in blank weeks.

  5. Who am I as an independent writer?
    As an independent writer I like to write personal narratives and non-fiction stories. I also like writing step by step.

    How do I write independently?
    How I write independently is I write down thoughts and turn them in to stories or I go through my memory and remember fun things I did!

    What is my writing process?
    My writing process is I usually draft it on yellow paper and then revise it two times. After the revisions I edit my work, read it over, and publish my work.

    How do I use my Writer’s Notebook for independent writing?
    How I use my Writer's Notebook for independent writing is I look at what some pieces I didn't finish and then I work on it and publish them.

    How do I manage my time to finish independent writing?
    I manage to finish my independent writing in time is on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I look threw it and then work on it in a sketch pad. It reminds me of yellow paper.

    Do I use a calendar?
    I do not use a calendar because on my phone there's a app called, Reminders, and it reminds me to finish it and turn it in on time. Besides I go on my phone everyday and it pops up so YEAH.

  6. As a independent writer,I write fiction ,non fiction ,and poem.
    The resources that I use is my books and sometime my mom.
    I write independently by using my writers note book and I create my own character.
    I also write any were I want and I write when ever I want.
    On my writing I take it through the writing stages.I take it through the writing stages because if I need to fix something it is very handy.
    I manage my time is by taking my time and taking through the writing stages.
    I use my writers note book for a draft because if I make a big mistake I can fix it before I publish my work.
    I sometime I use my dad and mom for help.
    Also in school I use my writing partner or my friends that is a good speller and siting close to my seat.

  7. I like to write fantasy stories and personal narratives. I like to write fantasy because I like to imagine things like dragon lord, a guy that can do anything and was born from a dragon egg. I like to write personal narratives because it can be funny like when my sister said “till May though” about going to Governors Island and I thought Aliya said tomato. My writing process is really just writing a skeleton of what I am writing in my writer’s notebook, and then transfer the writing on to a computer. Finally, I add a bit more to my story and edit it, then I am done.

  8. I am the kind of writer that likes to write sci-fi and fiction. I like to put humor in my stories and I like to get some phrases from different authors. Before I publish my piece I like to read it out loud to someone to see if there is anything I can do to make it better. I am the kind of independent writer that needs someone to spell check it in case there is any spelling errors. I am also the kind of writer that likes to end chapters with something dramatic or exciting to give the readers something to think about when they go on to the next chapter.

  9. Who am I as an independent writer? I'm an independent writer that writes in class at the writing period and I write at home for my homework. I like to write realistic fiction and non-fiction.

    How do I write independently? What is my writing process? In my realistic fiction books, I take things that happen in my real life to me and I give it character and personality and I give a few twists to the story. For non-fiction, I usually search. Say my topic is long houses, I look in books or I look it up online like wikipedia.

    How do I use my Writer’s Notebook for independent writing? Sometimes I do my drafting in my writer's notebook and I usually do all the revising and editing inside the notebook to show my work. I also do my gathering in it. I write the character names, I write plots and the stories.

    How do I manage my time to finish independent writing? Do I use a calendar? I do not use a calendar, but I might get one. Sometimes when I get home I immediately start my writing. But most of the time, I set aside time to do my writing after dinner.

  10. ALEXANDER(A FAN OF THE NYC SUBWAY)April 19, 2018 at 7:11 PM

    I like to write about feature articles about natural disasters and trains because I want to learn more about natural disasters and I'm the #1 fan of the NYC subway. My writing process is okay but sometimes I draw comics. I use my writer's notebook for some purpose, but I have three writer's notebooks. the first one is the actual one; the second one is a substitute writer's notebook and the third one I usually keep at home is also a substitute writer's notebook. I keep it in my backpack because it's embarrassing. I write independently in my writer's notebook by bringing ideas from magazines, comic strips, books and novels. I don't use a calendar when my independent writing is finished because it's for something else. I'm a independent writer who mainly draws comic strips. Sometimes I write because I don't have any more ideas. So that's the independent writer who I am. So that's all about the independent writing.

  11. I'm a kind of writer that writes fiction and non-fiction. I like fiction because you can
    get more creative with writing process is I go home from after school and do my homework and go in my write in my writers notebook and write.i do not have a calender in my room but I have a chalk bored in my romm

  12. Who I am as an independent is realistic fiction, writing poems, making lists and writing from the heart. I like to make my writing come to life.
    Writing independently can become difficult for me especially if I didn't think it through. If I'm given a topic that can connect to it becomes easy.
    My writing process is I
    Like to not down side notes or make a web of my ideas. I think it through then I begin to write.
    How I use my writersnotebook is I write down anything I'm feeling, thinking, and may want to express. I put my personal thoughts on paper, this shows who I am. I use my notebook as a journal. How I use my time to finish my write is I take it each day at a time. I plan out what I willncompleteneach day and I also set a goal for how much time each assignment will take. I don't use a calendar but I do use dates to help with my goals.

  13. Who I am as a independent writer is I like to Write comics and sometimes about a event that happened.I like to write on the table drinking Soda.

    My writing process is go home, get a snack and eat it ,get a pencil,get my writers notebook then write .and when I’m done I look at my writing then revise my writing.

    The way I use my writers notebook is first I write anything I feel like writing the then I look at it then revise it.

    I don’t manage my time to finish my writing,I just write when I want to and finish my writing.

  14. I am an independent writer who needs to be told to write. I like to write personal narratives and mystery’s. I also like to write about basketball.

    I write pretty good independently; it is not the best of my writing but it is good. I plan out when I am going to write what.

    First I do a rough draft in writer's notebook. Then I type it up on the computer. Then I add some ideas. Then I edit, and after that, my mom edits.

    I use my notebook to look for ideas for an independent writing project. I also use my writer’s notebook for the rough draft.

  15. Who I am as a independent writer? I am a independent writer that likes to write fiction and events that happened in my life . I don’t use a calendar for my writing. I am also writer that uses my writers notebook for my independent writing draft revising and editing in my writers notebook too.
    Writer that uses my writers notebook for basically everything. I sometimes use other notebooks from home for projects. That is me as a independent writer.

  16. Who am I as an independent writer?
    I am the kind of independent writer who likes to write in my writers notebook. I take my best pieces through the writing stages and teh rest of my pieces stay in my notebook. I like to write all sorts of genres.

    How do I write independently?
    I like to be in an active environment so I get ideas. When I want to concentrate I go to my father's desk and shut the door. When I have questions or need to do research, I do it on my Ipad and take notes.

    What is my writing process?
    In my writers notebook, there are mostly drafts but I do publish pieces too. I take my best pieces through the writing stages and publish them. The writing stages are seed idea, draft, revision, editing and final draft.

    How do I use my writer's notebook for independent writing?
    I use it to write all sorts of things and mostly use it for drafts of soon to be published pieces. I take notes, jot down ideas and draw pictures in it.

    How do I manage my time to finish independent writing?
    I start at the beginning of the month and finish at the end. During the month, I take the pieces through the writing stages and go through multiple drafts.

    Do I use a calendar?
    No, I do not use a calendar. I just work on my independent piece throughout the month.

  17. usually i only write when someone makes me.

    mostly my writing is an comic with barley any words.

    mostly i just make a draft and make it look nice.

  18. Who I am as independent writer is i'm the type of writer who just writes something that I see out side a window or in front of me.

    My writing progress is I write in my writer's notebook that aunt had gave me.

  19. I am a writer who does not put a heart into writing. Also, I am a writer who has to get yelled at to do my writers homework. Lastly I am a writer who loves to procrastinate. I am a writer who does these things because I have trouble writing words that make my writing interesting. I rather clean up the house then write for one hour.
    I am a writer who likes to write fiction stories. I like to write fiction stories because I love to be creative.
