Thursday, March 12, 2009

Your actions speak louder than your words.

What does this saying mean? Give an example when your actions spoke louder than your words.


  1. it means when you do something with your BODY it means more then what you SAY.For example I kick someone it would mean more then saying your not smart to someone,because I could have brook their leg.

  2. it means, if somebody says" they recycle"But they throw it on the sidewalk or street.
    or saying you are a good friend, but then saying mean things to your friends and treating them badly.

  3. actions show more then words do. your words might say you like someone but in your heart you don't. but you can show someone you like them by doing something nice for them.

  4. I think it means
    When you say your going to do something and you don't come through and do it. For example I say I would do my homework and I don't do it. Another example is when people say they will do nice things for others and then they actually do, so their actions show that they mean what they say. Sincerely Sophia Feinberg

  5. It means that someones actions can show more about themself then what people can say. For example,a kid says there going to clean there room and they dont and they start watching tv. There actions are showing the opposite of what they are saying.

  6. It means that your actions show how you are feeling or what mood you are in. For example, if someone asks you "How are you?" And you say "I'm good." And you are sad,and you act sad because you can't hold your sadness in,the people around you will know that are not okay. But if are happy and your actions show that you are happy and you have a smile on your face everybody around you will know you are happy. This is what your actions speak louder than your words means!

  7. If someone had a problem, instead of talking to them,
    You could do something nice for them to show you
    care about them. Another example is when president
    Obama said he would stop the war if he got elected, and he didn’t just waste his time talking about it, he started making plans to withdraw the troops!

  8. Your actions speak louder than words means that your facial expressions say more than your words and actions. For example, sometimes I say that I am mad but I act happy and look happy.

  9. I think saying your actions speak more than your words means when you say something and you do what you said not to do to that person. For example when I say to someone don't touch that, that 's not yours and then I start touching it

  10. your actions speak louder than your words mean the way you react at times.For example sometimes people think that I am angry because
    of the way I look but actully I am a very happy person.

  11. your actions speak louder than your words
    means that you look diffrent than you feel.
    Example:people think I look scared but Im really entertained.
    I sometimes feel the way I look.
    You can have many emotions your BODY may look
    some way but thats not what your really fealling.

  12. My actions speak louder than my words when not only do I tell people that I love them, but I also show them.For example I show lots of love and friendship by giving hugs,kisses and making people feel better when they are sad. I also help around the house like doing chores as a way to show my appreciation.

  13. Actions speak louder than words means you have to show what you say with your action. For example, I believe in a clean and green environment. So when I go to the grocery store with my mom, we always bring our own bags so we can bring the groceries home. Also, when I go to my tennis lessons, I bring my stainless steel water bottle instead of a plastic one.

  14. Actions speak louder than words means that i have to say what i mean and mean what i say. For example: I like to finish my homework early so that i can watch relax and watch TV. But, in reality i am up very very late until i finish my homework.

  15. An example of actions that speaks louder than words is when you go around saying that you care about poor people, but walk by them in the street and you do nothing. You have to do something about it like working in a soup kitchen or giving them food. Now you are SHOWING you care.

    Also when someone calls you their friend they should treat you nicely and not yell at you all the time or make you feel bad. Your actions should show that you care about them by speaking to them nicely and honestly caring about their feelings.
