Thursday, November 8, 2018

Charts Help Us Dig Deeper Into Reading

What charts have you learned to dig deeper into your reading?
(For example: the theory and evidence chart)
How do these tools help you?
Do you use these charts in your own independent reading at home and in school?

What charts are easy for you to use? Which charts are more difficult?


  1. Tool I use theory evidence that to go back read and it not messw and line to for Seating . Thing that hard me are the sidereal because I make some big and line make so messw and some time can't to read it.

  2. the chart that helps me is the spider web because it helps me go deeper into the character. I use the chart when i am at school because I like to keep it with all my other charts. the chart that helps me is mostly the theory and evidence chart but I also think the spider web chart is good for getting better at learning the characters better. the difficult for me is sometimes the venn diagram because it is hard to find a lot of things that both of the characters have in common.

  3. The type of charts we use for reading are theory and evidence, spider web, venn diagrams, visual diagrams, lists, and story mountains. The diagram we choose to use depends on the topic. For example, if you are doing character traits then a venn diagram or a spider web could be used. I don't use these charts when I'm reading by myself. The easiest charts for me to use are theory and evidence charts and list charts. Venn diagram charts are harder for me.

  4. Two of the charts that help me the most are the ven diagram chart because the men diagram when I use it helps because when I need to compare characters or says whats the same about them its more easy because I can't always say but I can write it.A chart that I think is a bit difficult is the story mountain because it doesn't really always tell what happens in the story. So if you first read a book and looked at a story mountain you would not really know what It was about. And yes I do use the charts while I'm reading.

  5. The chart that I use is the theory and evidence chart. It helps me pay attention to the book more while I read. I do not use it at home ,but I use it at school. The venn diagram is easy for me because l can write about two people,and what they have in common. The spider web is hard for me because I can only talk about one person in each one.

  6. One chart I have use during school is the theory and evidence chart.Also the spider web and story mountain and the picture and writing. They help me during school because it puts the problem on a sheet of paper. No I don’t use them because it is all ready in my head.

  7. The chart that helps me is the theory because it helps me go deeper thinkings about the characters. I use the chart when I am at school because I like to put my things there. The chart that helps me mostly is the spider web because it helps me a little bit but the theory helps me a lot.

  8. The chart that helps me is the theory because it helps me go deeper thinkings about the characters. I use the chart when I am at school because I like to put my things there. The chart that helps me mostly is the spider web because it helps me a little bit but the theory helps me a lot.

  9. The chart that helps me is the theory because it helps me go deeper thinkings about the characters. I use the chart when I am at school because I like to put my things there. The chart that helps me mostly is the spider web because it helps me a little bit but the theory helps me a lot.

  10. I like to use the theory and evidence chart because it help’s me keep track of what’s happening in the book I’m reading. And I do not use them at home I use them at school because if I forget anything that’s happening I can look in my readers note book and see it’s happening and If I wonder why that’s happening I can look in the evidence chart and see why I wrote the evidence.
    The charts that are easy for me to use are evidence, theory and character traits and the hard ones are story mountain and character relief systems. The story mountains are hard for me because it’s like rewriting the story, but in a simple way.

    1. I like theory evidence charts too !

  11. I like to use the theory and evidence chart because it keeps track of what happened and why the charater acts like this or what it thinks of or its i use it is that i think in my head what happened and why the charater did that and how that helps me is ti makes me think deeper in the book to think of answers for my question.i sometimes use it in my reading but not all the time at school at home i dont becaue i get disracted easy because i like to chill at home so sometimes at school not really at home.

  12. I don't generally use charts at home but I do imagine whats going on in the book . The charts I use in school are story mountains and theory evidence charts .Though generall I just do the charts we do as a class . All charts are not that hard for me except for the ven diagram they are pretty difficult ! I would say that I dig deepest with a story mountain also a theory evidence chart though . This is Jesse signing off .

  13. The chart that makes me deep into my reading is a t chart. T chart helps because it breaks down my information. It helps me understand and organize every information. An easy chart is a T chart and a believe chart. In a believe chart it’s easier to understand what characters believe because I can write down characters action to understand each character in the book. The hardest chart for me is Venn diagram because comparing and contrasting characters can be a little confusing. I often use a t chart and a believe chart in my head when I’m reading at home but in school I actually create one on paper.

  14. An easy diagram for me is the spider web it helps me organize each characters thoughts feelings and actions.
    A harder diagram for me is the Venn diagram. Because it tells the differences the similarities between 2 or more characters.

  15. I do not use charts but I like to think the main character is me sometimes. It helps me see the characters more clearly. I do not like the spider web it is to Complicated for me. But I like the story mountain.

  16. The charts that I use are the T chart and the spider web chart. The T chart helps me dig deeper in to the story. It also helps me put together my evidence and keeps me on track when I’m reading. The spider web chart helps me take notes about the characters feelings and what they are thinking. It also helps me picture the scene in my head. I use these charts at home, but mostly at school. The T chart is more difficult than the spider web chart.

  17. I use the chart story mountain for my reading at home and school and this tool helps me understand more about all of the characters that are involved in my book. I think the easiest chart for me is the spider web because it's just explaining multiple things about a character. The hardest chart for me is the theory and evidence because sometimes it's hard to think of evidence to explain your theory.

  18. The two charts that I use the most are story mountain and empathizing. I use the story mountain chart because if I can’t remember something that happened in my book, i can just use the story mountain notes that i created in my head or on paper. I use the empathy chart because when I don’t empathize with the characters, I don’t understand the book.
    The charts are all easy for me. The chart that I have difficulty with is the spider web because I am only able to write about one character when I really want to write about two.

  19. I use story mountains. I use them because they help me keep track of what's going on in the story. I don't use charts at home. Theory/evidence charts are hard for me because sometimes I have a theory without evidence and sometimes evidence without a theory.

  20. I have learned to dig deeper into my reading by using the story mountain chart, the spider web chart and the Venn diagram. The story mountain chart is shaped like a mountain and it shows how the problem in the story develops and how it is solved. It helps me to understand the problem better. The spider web chart has a circle with lines that come out of it. A character's name is written in the circle and on each line is a description of the character's traits. The spider web chart is useful because it describes the character and helps show how he or she may react. The Venn diagram has two circles that overlap. Each circle represents a character. In the middle, where the circles overlap, you write what the characters have in common. On the outside of the circles, you write their differences. This chart helps me compare characters.

    I use these charts for my reading at school. I think all three of these charts are easy to use because they use pictures help me to better understand the story and the characters in the story. I don't like to use the T chart. For the T chart, you write a statement and evidence that supports the statement. Finding evidence is tricky for me.

  21. The charts that I learned to dig deeper into my reading is the story mountin and the spider. These tools help me get to know the characters better and their actions and motavtions. I use these tools in school to help me understand how the characters are changing and where the story is going. I use these at home to help my dad know what I am reading about. The easy charts for me is the theory and evidence chart,the spider and the ven digarm. The tools that are a little difficult is the story motavtion

  22. The charts I learn to dig deeper into are the theory and evidence chart and the know and wonder chart. The theory chart helps me to look back over my writing and figure out what the author is thinking. Also, with my theory of the story. The evidence chart helps with thinking about how the people are doing there actions in the book. The know and wonder helps me focus on reading and not getting distracted. I usually do my own independent reading in the car, home and sometimes at school. The chart that is difficult is the evidence chart because when I use the evidence chart it is hard to sometimes figure out the actions of the characters.
