Thursday, January 23, 2020

Freedom Fighters

Who did you choose as your freedom fighter mentor and why?
How does their life inspire you?


  1. I chose Aretha Franklin because, she was a freedom fighter that was born is the less segregated time so all the people that were getting treated badly, she sang out songs about peace and love to them in church. Also she help homeless colored Americans get food

  2. I chose Katherine Johnson because she was a strong and diligent person and of course she was a part of N.A.C.A. now N.A.S.A

  3. I chose Muhammad ail because his life was inspire.his life was inspire to me because he was a kid who did not have a lot and use to get bullied now he is a big rich famous boxer.

  4. I chose Rosa Parks because she fought for equality on the buses and she was smart to. Her life inspires me because she worked with the NAACP organization and stoped using the bus so the rules could change and it was like she was the umbrella for the people and the people would hide from the ugliness and disrespect (which is the rain) and also she marched with the people for almost a whole year. That's why she inspires me.

  5. I chose W.E.B Dubois, he was a freedom fighter to stop segregation and was co founder of the NAACP . He inspired me to speak up for who I am and what I believe in. He was a powerful man and he defeated Booker.T.Washington on his acceptance for segregation and how he said if the black people get better jobs and become more wealthy the segregation shall stop. He inspires me to go get out there and fight for each and everyone one of us to have our freedom, not just sit in shame and feel sorry for ourselves! He stood up for whats right and so we could all be together in peace and harmony. And he had inspired me even though were old or young we can all fight for our freedom.

  6. So, I am choosing Jackie Robinson. Jackie Robinson was the first African American in Major League baseball. He was number 42. In his first game, his team won 5 to 3.
    At his first game 26,000 people attended. In Major leagues Baseball today, on Jackie Robinson day, every person wears #42.

  7. Frederick Douglass 1/23/20
    Frederick Douglass because once I read a book about him and it was interesting because he learned how to read and write while he was a slave. And he fought for many things, not just abolitionists and women’s rights. He inspired me because he was persistent by trying to escape twice and he didn’t give up.

  8. My freedom fighter is Muhammad AIL Muhammad AIL was once the strongest man alive he beat many fighters Cassiun Clay was his old name he fought for peace and justice he saw tons of Whites ONLY signs and kept it in his mind also he was a role model for people with dark skin

    1. I Forgot there is a center called Muhammad AIL center

  9. I choose Maya Angelou as my freedom fighter mentor because she is a great poet who expressed the need of change through her words and was an African American hero who fought for equality.

    2. She spoke six languages. That inspired me to travel and learn different languages. I also like to express my feelings through poetry.

  10. Marguerite R ElliottJanuary 23, 2020 at 9:25 PM

    I chose Ella Josephine Baker because I didn't know a lot about her and she was a civil rights leader and she inspires me because she worked with Martin Luther King Jr. and she helped poor people and she helped make the NAACP and she fought for freedom peace and love for all and for black and white to be together and I chose her because I liked her.

  11. I chose Bob Marley as my freedom fighter mentor. I chose
    him because I think it's amazing that he could say what he
    needed to say but in an even more powerful way and that was through music he figured out that more people
    would listen to music.

  12. I chose Booker T. Washington because he worked hard to improve the lives of African Americans in the United States. He believed that education, black ownbed businesses, and hard work were the keys to African american success. Booker died from heart failure in 1915. He inspired me because he accomplished so many things that have allowed me to get an education today.

  13. I`m choose Angela Davis because she would give up money,time, and love and carring .She took the living of making a flyer to make it to Freedom Hall.I`m inspired of Angela Davis because she had a slime on her face if she was happy or relaxed. Also she was very smart and light-minded and hearted because she was funny and put a smile on your face and a grin.She is light-hearted because thought outside the box by thinking of the least harmfull choice.Also she is smart because she had three University which are University of California San Diego, Brandeis University,and Humboldt University of Berlin. i will remember her in my heart no matter what but sadly Angela Davis died January 14 2019 i still will remember you

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